So Long At The Fair

'Positive' signs for US on Cuba
So I guess this means Cuba will be the next 3rd world country we're sending aid to. There needs to be free, fair and open elections in Cuba as well as a free press to report on them. We can't really welcome much of anything else. ...

Gates: Piracy ransoms hurt US
It's also why Sec Gates was asked to stay on with President Obama. The Stability factor was already there, so why bring Change to the Defense Dept. President Obama does'nt think about the Day 2 Day happenings, his Vision & Expertise are long term. ...

Valerie Schultz: Taxes aren't bad, as long as they're fair

Bakersfield Californian, CA
So we have, over the past couple of years, hired professionals to prepare our taxes. We appreciate the security of knowing that someone competent will have our backs if we're audited. We are willing to pay for peace of mind and for every possible break ...

George Mitchell Is Too Fair

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, DC
By James G. Abourezk ABE FOXMAN of the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) attacked Bill Moyers for trying to create a moral equivalency in the Middle East. That is expected, of courseâ€"but the ADL head also claims that George Mitchell is too fair to ...

Expedience and the Torture Amnesty

Huffington Post, NY
We are free to release or suppress, edit, abridge, and transpose, just as we like, so long as our actions tend to cool inflammatory assumptions. We tell the truth in this case because to do so is the thing most to our advantage. ...

Unemployed seek fresh start at job fair

Mooresville Tribune, VA
"They don't realize long-term care is rewarding and satisfying." Brittany Estrada and her mother, Tammy, found out about the career fair minutes before showing up. They were at the unemployment office looking at the job posting board when they came ...

A rental model could solve the housing crisis

Newsday, NY
In fact, the federal government already collects and publishes fair market rent data for all regions of the country on which to base a variety of housing and rent subsidy programs. If banks were to offer foreclosed housing units for sale at prices that ...

Seaside Emergency Preparedness Fair set for Monday

Daily Astorian,  USA
Parents won't be able to drive to school and get them in a disaster. They need to know who to contact outside the area, so that everyone can report in to that person." The fair comes during a week when disasters will be on peoples' minds. ...

US tax system needs overhaul

Kansas City Star, MO
Reducing the burden on America's taxpayers is a priority. Overhauling and reforming our federal tax code is necessary. We should implement the Fair Tax so that individuals, families and businesses have the resources they need to prosper.

so long at the fair